NxtWall offers big tax savings

Installing NxtWall Demountable Walls offers Big Tax Savings!

How can you save money installing NxtWall demountable walls? Interior demountable walls under Section 179 deduction are classified as furniture and fixtures by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Taking this deduction allows businesses to lower their current-year tax liability rather than capitalizing an asset and depreciating it over time in future tax years.

Supply Chain Disruption 2022 Demountable Wall Lead TImes

Despite global supply chain disruptions – NxtWall continues to have one of the fastest lead times in the demountable wall industry

American manufacturers are experiencing one of the most widespread supply chain disruptions ever recorded and it could take months, if not years, to remedy. The pandemic weakened an already fragile, complex, and interconnected global supply chain that experienced cargo ships stuck at sea, a shortage of truck drivers and lengthy product supply delays. This all occurred at a time when consumers and businesses were ripe with stimulus checks which helped fuel an unexpected increase in consumer demand.

Return on Investment of Demountable Walls vs Drywall Conventional Construction

Return on Investment of Demountable Walls vs Conventional Drywall Construction

What is the real return on investment of demountable walls (ROI) vs conventional drywall construction? In the short-term drywall may appear to be the cheaper alternative, but when office space needs change due to staffing fluctuations or other variables, demountable walls deliver a more flexible and sustainable solution with long-term cost benefits. Demountable walls can be reused and reconfigured as demand dictates. As a bonus, NxtWall’s components are not only reusable but also up to 100% recyclable, keeping drywall waste from going into a landfill.

Architectural Demountable Walls 101 - NxtWall Blog

Architectural Demountable Walls 101

A lot has been written about the ease and functionality of using demountable wall systems to adapt to the changing needs of the new office landscape. Demountable walls, as you have come to expect, are flexible and can accommodate any design layout. Demountable walls are also known to offer an unlimited choice of panel material such as laminate, fabric, whiteboard, and vinyl wrapped gypsum. But do you really know what a demountable wall system entails?

NxtWall Advantage blog

Advantages of Stick-built Demountable Wall Systems

  What are the advantages of NxtWall “stick-built” demountable wall systems?   The term “stick-built” refers to a process whereby each structure is built piece-by-piece onsite, rather than constructed from prefabricated units. NxtWall’s stick-built wall systems provide installers with the flexibility to adapt to preexisting and imperfect site conditions, regardless of the severity. Stick-built tolerances…

Reconfiguration with NxtWall Modular Wall Systems

Reconfiguration with NxtWall Modular Wall Systems

re•con•fig•u•ra•tion noun: reconfiguration; plural noun: reconfigurations 1. the arrangement of parts or elements in a different form, figure, or combination.   Office environments today need to be flexible, free flowing and fun! A place that is dynamic and scalable; ready to grow or shrink as work patterns dictate. Employees want a work environment that is…