Architectural Demountable Walls 101 - NxtWall Blog

Architectural Demountable Walls 101

A lot has been written about the ease and functionality of using demountable wall systems to adapt to the changing needs of the new office landscape. Demountable walls, as you have come to expect, are flexible and can accommodate any design layout. Demountable walls are also known to offer an unlimited choice of panel material such as laminate, fabric, whiteboard, and vinyl wrapped gypsum. But do you really know what a demountable wall system entails?

welcome back to the new and improved office

Welcome Back to the New Hybrid Office

Companies across America are grappling with how to adjust to the new hybrid work environment as some workers continue to work from home while others prefer to return to the office to partake in the social and collaborative aspect of working in-person. Companies are divided between two worlds. In response to this dilemma, many employers are reconfiguring their open spaces with partitions and constructing private offices to provide safety and social distancing for returning workers…