Supply Chain Disruption 2022 Demountable Wall Lead TImes

Despite global supply chain disruptions – NxtWall continues to have one of the fastest lead times in the demountable wall industry

American manufacturers are experiencing one of the most widespread supply chain disruptions ever recorded and it could take months, if not years, to remedy. The pandemic weakened an already fragile, complex, and interconnected global supply chain that experienced cargo ships stuck at sea, a shortage of truck drivers and lengthy product supply delays. This all occurred at a time when consumers and businesses were ripe with stimulus checks which helped fuel an unexpected increase in consumer demand.

Eco-Friendly School Building Products with Long Life Cycles

  This month brings us to the MIAPPA 2014 conference. NxtWall has decided to attend this year because it is being held at Mackinac Island. This motor-free historical setting will give us the opportunity to see how easily our eco-friendly school building products and displays for demountable walls can be transported by bicycle. It’s all part…

Demountable Walls Retro-fit with “Old School” Construction

NxtWall – Demountable Walls Retrofit with Old School Construction     Facility engineers, architects, and interior designers are all aware of how versatile demountable walls can be. Customers who are outside of the commercial construction industry often have reservations on how demountable walls work with their existing building structures. We pulled together this short video…