NxtWall Advantage blog

Advantages of Stick-built Demountable Wall Systems

  What are the advantages of NxtWall “stick-built” demountable wall systems?   The term “stick-built” refers to a process whereby each structure is built piece-by-piece onsite, rather than constructed from prefabricated units. NxtWall’s stick-built wall systems provide installers with the flexibility to adapt to preexisting and imperfect site conditions, regardless of the severity. Stick-built tolerances…

Replace Conventional Construction Drywall with Removable Walls

The search for modular interior office walls to replace the conventionally constructed interior walls most offices have has been active for quite some time. Office interiors have been moving towards drywall replacements for office walls, partitions, and cubicles. Moveable walls replace the conventional commercial interior construction of walls, or simply- gypsum walls, because they provide…